
Almost 30 years ago…

We used to put pen to paper.

Now we put… finger to keyboard….

To do so, we create a personal web-page and hope for the best… I mean hope for some kind of virtual recognition.

I decided my recognition will come from the fact that you simply read me, devour me with your eyes, as I type and type and type and babble on my Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

So, let’s start and say HI to all who dare glimpsing on this page.

What will it be about this time?

On your checklist, you can cross “fitness” or “#OOTD / Style-Blogger” out.

Forget also about fashion, politic, big world crisis… This is a nice comfy place to talk about daily stuff and daily trip.

THAT’S IT! Daily TRIP! It’s about travel, daily things that can actually interest you and I do/see on my journey to happiness. How does this sound?

But let’s be honest, 30 years to catch up is a long time… So let’s meet every Thursday or Friday for a weekly dose of me and you shall we? As I am a #HASHTAG crazy addict, #TBT or #FBF are my favorites!

Ok, it settled then (yep, I haven’t asked you if you agree or not).

Let’s start for real then… By a quick intro about me: Romain, Belgian guy living in Beijing China, graduated in Communication/Marketing, ending up teaching French and learning Chinese, almost turned 30 (aouch!) and a little bit crazy (too much coffee I guess).

Now, let’s see what I love, to see if you will come back or not: Photography, travel, learning languages and discovering new cultures, coffee, alcohol, food, a bit “fashion” (really, I am far from being up-to-date) and knowing about… YOU !.

See you soon guys!
